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JOIN our ministries

Marriage Enrichment

The marriage ministry is focused on bringing the importance of the sacrament of marriage to couples of all ages and backgrounds. This is done through fellowship and events to enrich and strengthen the marriage bond, with a goal to bring the true spirit and love of marriage as God intended.

Single's Living God's Way

Designed for single adults ages 18 and above, to encourage, enlighten and empower Singles to grow and develop to a state of wholeness, completion and well-being in God while fully living an engaging, exciting, effective, and meaningful Spirit-filled life.

Seasoned Seniors

To provide a structure whereby individuals ages 55 and above, whether married or single, can meet together and share their experiences, explore church and community resources, and most importantly use their spiritual gifts toward kingdom building and serving our local church.

Discipleship (Bible) Studies

Preparing people to live vibrant, Christ-honoring lives, by giving biblical, practical motives and methods, for the purpose of Discipleship (Win, Build, Send).

Youth / Young Adults

Empowering both youth and young adults alike, by equipping them to declare, communicate, and demonstrate the purpose, power, and principles of the Kingdom of God.

Children's Ministry

Training children both spiritually and physically, through involvement in spiritual and social functions designed to help kids have fun, while learning more about who God is and how He loves and cares for them. 

Worship & Fine Arts

Worshipping and glorifying God through music and the creative arts, while proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The music and fine arts ministries consist of choirs (Adult, youth, male chorus, seniors), praise teams, praise dancers, and steppers.

Ushers / Greeters

Seating and assisting in caring for the needs of each person who is present in the assembly.


Sharing the Good News via witnessing, sharing the Gospel with others, passing out spiritual tracts, and sharing your testimony with others in the community (Matthew 28:19-21).




2930 Ann Arbor Avenue

Dallas, TX  75216

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